One of my friends has intertarsal neuromas. Three on the right foot, and two on the left. The right one is really hurting him. Is there anything you guys can suggest that his doctor may have neglected to mention? He had special foot inserts made but they don't help him much :(
I think I managed to break my 4th toe last night (one next to pinky toe). Either that or I bruised it badly. It's slightly swollen and purplish. I'm thinking about taping it to a neighboring toe to keep it still. Do you think it matters which toe I tape it to (middle or pinky toe)? I've been taking Advil and putting ice on it. Is there
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I have this very weird pain in my foot that started yesterday. I woke up with it actually, which was very weird since I did NOTHING to it wrong the day before and had not pain before bed at all
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This is a post for my husband :) Since he got his Keens he's noticed that his feet seem to stink a lot. The shoes themselves don't smell, but his feet reek whenever he wears them. He's tried putting foot powder on before hand (Lush's yummy smelling T for Toes) and even dropping tea tree oil into the shoe, but to no avail
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So, I just looked in the memories and did the LJ search and found my own entry about a split toenail. That issue is now under control. But another has popped up
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I work a job where I'm standing at least six hours a day, 5 days a week. Lately, I've been feeling some soreness in my lower back and I believe that it's related to my job. Sitting isn't an option for me, other than at my regularly scheduled breaks
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Pardon me for the utter randomness of my question I just wanted the opinion of this community, as it seems you guys are collectively pretty knowledgeable. I apologize if this would be better posed to a doctor, but as it's not specifically medical, I wasn't sure.
I have problems with getting cracked heels fairly easily. I use a PedEgg at the moment to remove some of the dead skin, but is there anything I can put on my heels to soften and help the cracked skin. What do you use on your heels to keep them healthy and summer worthy?